All Animal Search and Rescue


Since 2016, the All Animal Search and Rescue team has engaged in over one thousand successful trappings, reuniting lost pets with their owners, and helping get stray animals out of dangerous environments to safety.

What drives us.

Dogs and cats, with their captivating charm and unique personalities, are a special kind of companion that exhibit a depth of emotion that suggests they are more than just pets. For most of us, our pets are our family.

It is with this perspective that we understand the pain and anguish an individual or family experiences when a beloved pet finds itself lost.

Unfortunately, lost pets, especially those unfamiliar with their neighborhood, are often oblivious to the perils around them, be it moving vehicles, predators like coyotes, or the lack of food and water necessary just to stay alive.

We are driven by compassion. It is compassion that compels us to do things that are contrary to reasonableness and common sense. A rational person would not jump onto a freeway to pull a frightened dog out of a sewer drain to safety. Nor would a rational person drive across two state lines to assist with trapping a stray dog. Yet, we have.

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.”
Immanuel Kant

Pictured from right to left: Lorena Zeballos, Mike Zeballos and Cooper.

Our founding and calling.

Long before All Animal Search and Rescue, Lorena Zeballos struggled with managing her two young lab mixes, who continually found ways to escape the confines of their back yard. Fortunately, she was able to retrieve her dogs every time, and in the process developed an understanding of their behavioral patterns while they roamed the neighborhood. It was not long after this, in early 2010, that she found her calling and began taking a keen interest in helping other pet owners retrieve their lost pets. In 2016, she formed her All Animal Search and Rescue team. In 2023, she formalized All Animal Search and Rescue, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Looking forward and beyond.

All Animal Search and Rescue has engaged in over one thousand successful trappings, rescues and reunions.

In addition to our work with tracking and trapping, we also educate pet owners and individuals interested in learning how to trap, such as Scan Lost Animals, Inc. founder and CEO Shanea, who went on to acquire the non-profit organization from its founder in 2023.

Our organization will continue to grow and thrive, with deep gratitude to the generous and ongoing support of friends, volunteers, peers and our donors.

Lorena Zeballos, pictured with a family and their reunited lost pet at Lake Hughes, Castaic. Circa November, 2016.
Lorena Zeballos, pictured far right, with a family and their rescued pets. Lake Hughes, Castaic. Circa 2015.